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jsig - java user interfaces - seminar review
Posted on 12 Dec 2003
Popped along to the jsig seminar today:

The talk about Java Server Faces turned out to be a bit of a disappointment, with it essentially being a discussion of .net clients talking to J2EE servers using Janeva.

However the ILOG Jviews talk was fun and informative. To see how fun, have a quick play with this demo

The most interesting thing about this talk was their use of CSS jammed between your model (represented in xml) and their graphical rendering software (JViews). Being able to 'intercept' the model prior to reaching the view allowed all sorts of funky changes to be made in a very loosely coupled way. (reminds me of interceptor stack in xwork)

Thanks to jsig, borland and ilog for a fun lunch...

12 Dec 2003 |


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