War of the Worlds
Posted on 17 Aug 2004
Build your own spacecraft
Posted on 09 Jul 2004
my daily reading material...
Posted on 16 Jun 2004
I've changed the style of my home spun blog aggregator box,
which I use to keep track of all things,
see what you think of it here.
...so last week
I want one of those...
Posted on 15 Jun 2004
I don't normally go for PC case modifications,
but this conversion into Orac looks beautiful. [from slashdot] |  |
Posted on 10 Jun 2004
It's about time something as useful as pick-and-drop came along. I wonder why most of these PC flatscreens aren't touch sensitive.
I wanna rock...
Posted on 10 Jun 2004
 Heavy metal! You rock! It's mostly about the music instead of lyrics for you...but you channel most of the emotion through the lyrics! Mosh pit for you! Just be careful you don't give yourself a concussion with so much headbanging...
What genre of rock are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Cool Underground and Subway guide
Posted on 03 Jun 2004
If you're stuck on planning your next trip around London, Paris, New York, Brussels or Madrid, be sure to pop by my friend's new site that provides route planning using funky graph traversal algorithms. Pop by, and leave comments here so Simon can improve the service futher.
BBC Model B
Posted on 01 Jun 2004
Stumbled across an excellent website homage to my second home computer, the BBC Model B, a chap called Ollie has put together Only the Best BBC Micro games
My favourites include:
Starship Command, Sphinx Adventure, Citadel, Repton, Thrust, Killer Gorilla, Ghouls,
Imogen, Castle Quest, Frak, Chuckie Egg, Cholo, Knightlore, Sabre Wulf, The Sentinel, Dare Devil Denis, Doctor Who and the Mines of Terror, and of course Elite. The only ones I think that Ollie missed are Alien8, Starquake, Mallory Manor and Stardrifter.
Try Ollie's excellent Quick Start Guide, and play these games now...
The British Computer Society
Posted on 29 May 2004
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B5 d++ t++ k s+ u- f
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