Jeremy Rayner on java and other stuff.

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Posted on 21 Jul 2003
Popped along to Smiths of Smithfield to meetup with a few java coders this evening, one of those fancy bars where a small coke will set you back £1.50 (almost as expensive as printer ink).

To me the most interesting topic revolved around the use of AOP, specifically with AspectJ.
The good point was made that although AspectJ has a good toolset support (Eclipse et all), the one thing in a real deployment environment that will always get in the way is maintainability. What is the point of having an amazing orthogonal experience with Aspects, when the next developer to look at your code comes along and scratches his head.
One of the main reasons we develop in Java is the 'portability of developers' across projects, so that a developer could get up and running in a short amount of time with anything assigned from above. I guess this places AspectJ onto the JavaCC/xDoclet/etc pile of amazingly useful, succinct technology but with 'immediate barrier to understanding' for the developer who has not jumped onto that particular lilypad of the Java quagmire. Now if only I could think of a useful reason to use AOP...
Let me know what wonderful/useful orthogonal aspect I can add to my code today in the comments...

Also... on the plus side for speedy xml transformations was the XSLT in firmware beauty of rack mounted box from, although I think cost is the issue here (for me anyways).

For my loft/'broadband connection' a funky little motherboard with low noise for £70 didn't sound to bad from, maybe this is the answer for my public cvs/blog/jira server (low noise a priority)

Java Meetup was a good laugh, and I'd recommend it to anyone who wants to get a different perspective on their java day. Thanks to Simon for organising it.

21 Jul 2003 |


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