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London Souvlaki Meetup
Posted on 19 Oct 2004
This morning started as I fought my way against the commuters on London Bridge, into the Regis House (Sun training centre). Cameron gave a nice little talk explaining the concepts surrounding the scalable perfomance concerns of high end J2EE applications.

Jules and Cameron after the Tangosol seminar

Cameron very kindly managed to get at least six people from the seminar to then show their faces at the London Java Meetup.

People at SOS

Some new faces too

A great turnout at tonight's meetup, finally Carlos managed to make it along, yay.

Carlos and Cameron

I Managed to talk to Stuart Ervine who is tackling the task of creating a Swing frontend to his xwork actions, called Pendulum. If you look slightly beyond the coolness of being able to reuse your xwork actions in an app, Stuart is also looking very hard at providing an junit extensions for asserting that your swing application frames have all the right buttons and labels etc.

Stuart and Max

Jules managed to get the chance to explain that WADI is shaping up nicely.

The meetup moved out of SOS as the evening progressed, as Cameron suggested we find solace in a souvlaki bar.

A souvlaki bar in the heart of the city

For those that care, I rambled on about Groovy, grash, thinlets, gnudiff4java, xdelta in java, the freenet routing algorithm, xstream, sitemesh, BBC Emulation on MacOSX, JOGL, and redbook OpenGL examples.

Thanks to Cameron for increasing the fold, and thanks again for the prized Tangosol T-Shirt.

19 Oct 2004 |


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