Jeremy Rayner on java and other stuff.

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Jez's favourite feeds.
Posted on 28 May 2004
Most of my daily web reads are being collected onto one page now, and you can read it too if you like, all aggregated at my news digest. (using my little app box)
28 May 2004 |


May 2004
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What I'm reading
my feed aggregator ->box

My websites
London Java Meetups
Programming Projects
Elite in Java
Jez's Photos
Fantasy Stock Market
Cool Saxophonist
Doctor Who Audios
Pisces Audios

Other Blogs
Mike Cannon-Brookes
James Strachan
Joe Walnes
Sam Dalton
Simon Brown
Cameron Purdy
Mike Roberts
Erik C. Thauvin
John Martin
Manfred Riem

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