About What is Blogmento?
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Features Learn what Blogmento can do.
Screenshots See what Blogmento looks like.
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Bug tracking Report and track bugs.
Blogmento's features
- Blogging
- Implements most major weblog features as defined by Dave Winer in the
article What makes a weblog a weblog
- Archives and permalinks.
- Archive page URLs.
- Calendar.
- Categories.
- Templates.
- Static Rendering.
- Syndication.
- Plug-in architecture.
- TO DO:
- Notify via email or IM.
- Bulletins.
- Pictures and Media objects.
- Shortcuts.
- Aggregator.
- Blogroll.
- API support.
- Not sure what these are yet...
- But to be clear, due to the nature of the software these will not be inside blogmento, but can be provided by a third party. (example listed in brackets)
- Comments. ( www.haloscan.com )
- Edit this page button.
- Mailto.
- Referrer Tracking. ( your ISP )
- Rankings.
- Membership and Editorial Roles.
- Discussion Group. ( www.yahoogroups.com )
- Networking
- Use any protocol to upload your blog
- TODO: xml-rpc etc..