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Carlos in London Baby!
Posted on 19 Feb 2004
Carlos stoops to conquer

Carlos has arrived in London, lock up your Databases, and make sure your objects are as naked as the day they were born... Welcome to London mate.

19 Feb 2004 |

Sun Tech Day - review
Posted on 19 Feb 2004
Went along to the second Sun Tech Day and I have to say I was uninspired. Apart from the usual freebie hunt, my feelings of the vendor circus were that not much innovative stuff was coming up at the moment. Some might say this was the sign of a mature platform, or that companies in general are more inward looking in these times, who knows...

However, a couple of snippets that look worth further investigation did come up:

  • JAX-RPC looked interesting approach to WebServices code generation although how this compares to Apache Axis I'll have to see.
  • kSOAP looks good for my mobile phone. [this is a solution waiting for a problem :-)]
  • This talk [pdf] was an entertaining rehash of the J2EE Pattern book with ebay as the examples.
  • I think I missed the most interesting talk. The Hotspot tips [pdf] talk showed ways to profile and streamline JVM performance.
  • jvmstat provides graphical views of JVM performance data.
  • GC Portal provides analysis and tuning of Garbage Collection
  • With JFluid, Sun have modified the JVM for what looks like a low level AOP implementation. cooooool ;-)

Anyways, thanks to Sun for the glowing pen, thanks to Adobe for the black t-shirt (they are doing an InfoPath by turning the acrobat reader into a simple XML form collection mechanism).

19 Feb 2004 |


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