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box: monitoring RSS/RDF feeds via email/SMS
Posted on 06 Jan 2004
Been working on a little project over christmas, to practise creation of picocontainer components (type3 IOC) and thought it would be good to share.

I've written a little tool (called 'box' after the funky device in Star Cops) that will monitor feeds described in an OPML file, and email you any changes since the last time the tool was run. I've hooked it up to scheduled tasks in Win98 at home, and I'm directing the emails to an email account, as this free service will direct the emails to SMS on my mobile.

download 'box.jar' here

Just type java -jar box.jar to obtain usage statements

The following example would email with new blog/news items from the OPML listed at

java -jar box.jar

I'd be grateful for feedback (in a comment on this blog)

I'll try and create a sourceforge/ style account for it if there is any interest, I've got lots of ideas for extending it.

06 Jan 2004 |


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